Change Your Story – Transform Your Life!


Daring Reinventors
Free Workshop

Are you ready to rewrite your future?

Have you ever set bold, audacious goals for yourself only to find that year after year they are still out of reach?

Your inability to achieve them might not be about your skills or resources but about the story you’re telling yourself.

Your self-stories define your life by influencing your self-image which in turn shapes your behavior and ultimately your future.

You create your future twice, first in your imagination, then in the world!

If you want a different future, it’s time to create it – starting with your story!

Whether you’re seeking a new job, reinventing yourself or striving toward a personal or professional goal, it’s time to become the author of your own life!

Join me for this FREE workshop and learn how to break free from the stories keeping you stuck and create empowering narratives that align with your goals and aspirations.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Uncover those invisible narratives that have been holding you back from moving forward.
  • Transform the old self-defeating stories into empowering narratives.
  • Get back on track when those self-sabotaging stories threaten to derail your progress.
  • Create the story of your Future Self that reflects the life you want to create as well as the person you want to become.
  • Install new stories in your brain so they can continue to inspire and empower you.


Thursday, February 13, 5-6:15 PM, PST
Saturday, February 22, 10-11:15 AM, PST

WHERE: Zoom (attend and get a live recording)
(Register Below)