Live Your New Story

Harness the power of your story to live the life you deserve!


Live Your New Story

Are you ready to write a fresh, new story for yourself?

Your self- stories are the lens through which you view yourself, the world and what happens to you.

They shape your self-image, which influences your behavior and determines your results.

 When those stories are negative, they   can paralyze you with doubt and fear, blocking you from moving forward in your life and career.

 Becoming aware of those self-defeating stories is an important first step in changing them.

But awareness isn’t enough.

The critical next step is to transform the old self-defeating story into a positive one and make it your automatic inner narrative.

My Live Your NEW Story program will help you make your new story more impactful and embed it into your daily life.


Program Highlights:

You’ll receive:

  • Tools to overcome the pitfalls that can derail your progress as you rewrite your story.
  • Strategies to make your stories more compelling and emotionally resonant.
  • Techniques for turning your positive stories into habits that stick, becoming part of your everyday routine.
  • Tools for identifying the situations that activate your old negative stories and for creating actionable plans to navigate them.
  • A strategy for crafting a powerful narrative about your future self that will inspire, energize, and guide you.
  • The opportunity to share your new stories in a supportive environment where you’ll receive guidance and inspiration

What’s Included:

  • Two 2-hour Group Sessions
    Learn and grow alongside a group of like-minded women who share similar challenges and aspirations.
  • One Personalized 1- hour Coaching Session
    Work one-on-one with me to uncover any additional stories keeping you stuck and enhance your new story to be more impactful.

Don’t Let Your Old Story Define You Any Longer!

It’s time to take control of your story and create a future that excites and empowers you. Join the Live Your NEW Story Program today and take the first step toward becoming the author of your life.


WHEN: Two Saturdays, March 22 & March 29, 10 am – 12 pm PST
Two Thursdays, March 20 & March 27, 5-7 pm PST


INVESTMENT: Special Introductory Price – $77 (Value $277)