Can you be Happy if You’re Not in Your Ideal Job?

Can You Be Happy?

Are you stuck in a job that no longer aligns with who you are?

Do you feel trapped in a meaningless role dreaming of a new career but have no idea what that might look like?

Do you feel you have to settle for a less than ideal job because your desired job requires training, experience or resources that will take months or even years to acquire?

If you’ve concluded that you must put your happiness on hold until you can step into your ideal job, think again.

Here’s a fresh perspective on job satisfaction – the “good enough for now” job.

Good Enough for Now

In their book Designing Your New Work Life, authors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans tackle the problem of the disengaged worker – who feels unappreciated, unsupported, or overworked in her job. They suggest that reframing from “this job sucks” to “this job is good enough for now” can help shift you from feeling trapped in an unfulfilling position to feeling hopeful and in control of your life.

This doesn’t mean giving up on your vision of your ideal work scenario, but rather taking small steps to improve your current reality while creating a new future for yourself.

Of course, toxic work environments where you’re demeaned, discriminated against, or asked to engage in unethical behavior are never acceptable.  In those instances, you should do whatever is necessary to remove yourself from such a situation.

Recharge With Small Tweaks

Reframing from “this job is miserable” to “this job is good enough for now” reminds you that your job is NOT forever and that you’re moving toward a brighter future.

 It empowers you to focus on what’s working, find small ways to re-energize during the day and get proactive about exploring new options for yourself.  

Take time to recharge by scheduling energizing breaks throughout the day such as taking a walk, connecting with a colleague, or enjoying a healthy snack.

Reflect & Focus on the Positive

Bill and Dave also suggest that at the end of the day, you write about what went well at work – no matter how small – focusing on three questions: 

  • What did I learn?
  • What did I initiate?
  • Who did I help?

This re-directs your attention from any negative aspects of your job and reminds you that you’re the entrepreneur of your own life.  

Also, take some time for a weekly reflection and select two to four positive moments in your life – not just your work life – that you’re grateful for and write them down. Include any insights or lessons learned.

 This weekly practice is a powerful reminder that your life is about much more than your job and helps you optimize the good parts of your life.

Become the Entrepreneur of Your Own Life

Life is too short to put your happiness on hold until you step into your ideal work scenario.

The “good enough for how” reframe is a powerful tool for navigating any type of career transition such as exploring new paths or equipping yourself with the skills or experience to step into your ideal job.  

Waiting to be happy limits our brain’s potential for success, whereas cultivating positive brains makes us more motivated, efficient, resilient, creative, and productive, which drives performance upward.

Shawn Achor